Benefit details are available on the Myriad Genetics Enrollment website. If you have general questions, please call 1-888-224-0678. When you need to reach one of our benefit providers directly, please refer to the contact information below.
Medical plan provider for the Regence BCBS Traditional CDHP, Regence BCBS High Performance Network HPN CDHP
, Regence BCBS Traditional Copay and Regence BCBS High Performance Network HPN Copay plans.
Group #: 10015841
Medical plan provider for the Kaiser Permanente HMO High Deductible Plan CDHP and Kaiser Permanente HMO Copay.
Group #
North: 606101
South: 234234
Medical plan provider for the SelectHealth CDHP and SelectHealth Copay plans.
Group #: G1023477
Regence BCBS: 800-400-MDLIVE
SelectHealth: 801-442-2610
Kaiser: 866-454-8855
Regence BCBS:
SelectHealth PPO High Deductible Plan CDHP:
Kaiser Permanente:
Prescription drug provider for the Regence BCBS PPO High Deductible Plan CDHP and SelectHealth PPO High Deductible Plan CDHP, Regence BCBS High Performance Network HPN CDHP , Regence BCBS PPO Copay and Select PPO Copay, and Regence BCBS High Performance Network HPN Copay plans.
Prescription drug provider for the Regence BCBS PPO High Deductible Plan CDHP and SelectHealth PPO High Deductible Plan CDHP, Regence BCBS High Performance Network HPN CDHP , Regence BCBS PPO Copay and Select PPO Copay, and Regence BCBS High Performance Network HPN Copay plans.
Prescription drug provider for the Kaiser Permanente HMO High Deductible Plan CDHP and Kaiser Permanente HMO Copay plans.
Representatives available: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. MST, Monday through Friday.